fortification guide
.24 // weapons guide
.24 weapons guide
As one of the most trusted weapons in "Worms" - the Bazooka can be useful when used from any distance. It is readily available as a handheld weapon which means that no building is required to use it. However, the Bazooka is merely a thorn in the side when used to attack buildings, doing very little damage, so save it to wreak havoc on the enemy worms themselves!

The Mortar is an instant fire weapon. Be sure to compensate for gravity, and try and aim at the base of a building to inflict the most damage.

Small Catapult
Small as it is, the projectiles of this weapon explode, inflicting cluster damage and leaving a patch of fire behind... A nasty combination! Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?.

Homing Pigeon
Ah yes, the Homing Pigeon. Not the brightest animal in the world but he gets the job done. Just aim and shoot at where you want it to go. A word of warning though - he doesn't always take a direct route to the target so make sure he doesn't come back at you!

Rocket Launcher
The Rocket Launcher has the ability to decimate Castles and Citadels with a series of rockets launched from a truly massive pipe organ. Powered like the Bazooka, the Rockets sometimes lack accuracy, but the large scale destruction left behind more than compensates for this!

unleash mayhem!
How are you going to knock buildings down without a selection of massive weapons to hand? You're not are you? So it's a good job there's plenty of massive weapons in WF:US with which to unleash mayhem and destruction upon your foes!
Each weapon belongs to a 'family' - The first member of a family is generally a small weapon, each successive weapon after that is superior and more powerful.
This weapons guide demonstrates a variety of weapons from a mixture of different families. Over the next few weeks new families will be added to this guide, so you can get an insight of what to expect from the game!

Animal Family
Click here for the animal family weapons!
Bazooka Family
Click here for the bazooka family weapons!

Grenade Family
Click here for the grenade family weapons!
Strike Family
Click here for the strike family weapons!

God Powers
Click here for the god power weapons!
Point and Shoot Family
Click here for the point and shoot family weapons!

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