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Worms 3D (2003)

crash course
Worms was first released to the World in 1994, but what exactly is the Worms phenomenon? Are you a little confused as to what all the fuss is about?
Never fear - Take this crash course and you will become familiar with the series in no time!

past and present
Worms (1994)

Worms 3D (2003)

how to play
Worms has traditionally been a turn-based strategy game where teams of worms battle across bizarre randomly generated landscapes, or across finely crafted custom designed levels.
Each team takes it in turns to pick off the opposing teams using crazy weapons, tools and other utilities they may have discovered and whatever foul strategies they can conjure.
Worms die when they lose all of their energy or plunge into the icy depths of the water surrounding the levels. The winning team is the one that manages to survive the mayhem and have worms left standing when the dust settles.
Players have a set time in which to make their move before the game automatically switches to the next team. During your turn, you can select which worm to use and either let its arsenal loose on the enemy or move the worm to a safer position.
In addition to the time limit for each turn (an option that can be changed) each battle has an overall time limit before "sudden death" extra time occurs. When this happens, all worms have their energy reduced to one, meaning that the slightest hit will make that vital kill and edge your team towards victory.
where's the strategy?
The simple appearance of the game belies the fact that beneath the surface lies a cunningly designed strategy game able to weed out the tactical wheat from the chaff.
Worms can in fact be played in many different ways: some players opt for wanton destruction while others play it safe, and there are those that are so underhanded that they have vengeance wreaked upon them at every opportunity.
The successful player adapts their strategy to the weapons available, the landscape they're playing on and each new opponent they play.

Each worm has an arsenal of devastating weapons at their disposal, some of which have a limited supply so strategy must be used to achieve maximum carnage.
Examples of weapons are bazookas, grenades, dynamite, exploding sheep and the dreaded concrete donkey!
In addition to weapons, utility crates drop from the skies, offering features to enhance the effectiveness of the player's turn. These can be saved and used later in order to give you the edge when you need it.
Examples of utilities are low gravity, double damage and the jetpack.

Worms games to date
  • Worms (1994)
  • Worms Reinforcements (1995)
  • Worms United (1996)
  • Worms Directors Cut (1997)
  • Worms 2 (1997)
  • Worms Armageddon (1999)
  • Worms Pinball (1999)
  • Worms World Party (2000)
  • Worms Blast (2002)
  • Worms 3D (2003)
For more information on each game click the link below:
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